
Bernardinelli-Bernstein Comet

  • 'Pedro Bernardinelli and Gary Bernstein' discovered the 'Bernardinelli-Bernstein Comet', named ‘C/2014 UN271’, based on archival images obtained from the Dark Energy Survey at an astronomical observatory in Chile in 2010.
  • Its estimated diameter is about 129 km. and the mass is 500 trillion tons. It is about 50 times larger than most of the comets ever known.
  • This comet is believed to be moving towards the Sun for more than a million years. It probably originated in the 'Oort Cloud' (cloud of comets). The Oort Cloud is a remote region of the Solar System, which is probably the source of the origin of most comets. However, the Oort cloud is still a theoretical concept.
  • Recently, NASA has confirmed it to be the largest icy comet ever known by the Hubble Space Telescope. Despite being at maximum distance, it is extremely bright.
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