
Indian Desert Cat

  • Indian Desert Cat is a species of wild cat found in 'Western India'. It is commonly seen in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. It lives in desert-shrub areas. It is also known as 'Asian wild cat'.
  • Their ears are large, so that they can hear even low sound. Their toes have hair-like cushions that allow it to adapt to the temperature fluctuations of the desert. This species can survive even without water.
  • Their color is such that they can easily hide in the desert sand. They rest during the day and hunt small animals and birds during the night.
  • Habitat destruction, breeding with domestic cats and poaching are major threats to them. This is protected under Schedule-I of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and included in the category of ‘Least Concern’ in the Red List of IUCN.
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